And we find ourselves shaken.
If you've read my last few posts, you know that I have been dealing with a busy schedule and a busy, messy household.
But yesterday in church, my struggles came face to face with an important truth. We sang a song in church called "Jesus, Firm Foundation." Click here to listen to it. It is fabulous and reminiscent of an older hymn.
There is nothing old about the truths of this song, however. The chorus says:
"How firm our foundation, How sure our salvation.
And we will not be shaken. Jesus, Firm foundation."
What words! The stress and chaos of my last few weeks grew dim. I felt challenged. I had been letting my circumstances shake me up. I had not been clinging to Jesus, the very cornerstone chosen by God to be the foundation for my life. 1 Peter 2:4 says, "You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God's temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor."
In case you didn't know, a cornerstone was the largest, most solid stone placed first when constructing a building. It set the landscape for the entire structure. Jesus is that for us. He is our cornerstone. He is the rock we can build our lives on.
"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corninthians 3:11).
I had been placing my sense of security in how much I was able to accomplish on a given day, how well my children behaved, and how clean my house was. But when we remind ourselves of this truth, every issue fades away.
We have a solid rock that anchors us. We can be confident that our future in heaven is secure. Nothing should shake us. We have Jesus, the cornerstone, our firm foundation.
Linking up this week at: #soulsurvival, #intentionalTuesday, #RaRaLinkup, #threewordWednesday, #livefreeThursday, #belovedbrews, #dancewithJesus, #fellowshipFriday, #graceandtruth, #coffeeforyourheart, #TellHisStory
FYI: I'll be taking a little vacation from blogging! See you at the beginning of August!