
Saturday, July 8, 2017

An Anchor in the Waves of a Rough Day

I don't know about you, but the hours between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm at my house are crazy, at best, and chaotic, at worst. 

Kids get hungry. I guess I'm the one who has to feed them. The older two manifest hunger in the form of wrestling, jumping off furniture, and running around the house. The baby shows hunger by bawling and clinging to my leg. Cooking used to be something I enjoyed, that relaxed me. It has now become stress-inducing experience, one that leaves my kitchen looking like a bomb went off.

Oh, and then after I manage to feed the hooligans, I have to bathe them and clean up the explosion site. The craziness continues, as it has now switched over to tiredness. There is no relief from these three hours of hectic until the three of them are in bed. 

I was standing at my kitchen counter, trying to prepare the evening meal, when it hit me. What I need is some stability. What I need is something calm. What I need is an anchor.

Guess what? We have one! For those in Christ Jesus, we have an anchor. 
"Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary" (Hebrews 6:18b-19).
Jesus gives us hope, and that hope is our anchor! 

You might be wondering, as I am, what exactly is this hope? 

First, Jesus gives us hope of eternal life. When we turn to Jesus for our salvation, we can know that we will go to Heaven when we die. We have the hope of eternal life. Our future is safe, secure, and anchored.
"I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).
Secondly, we have the hope of LIFE now. We are not meant to live life on this earth as unhappy folks. Jesus came to fill us with abundant life. Turning to Him as our Savior gives us life now. Even when we face trouble, we have the hope that it will pass. Our crazy life can be anchored in the hope that following Jesus will truly satisfy us. We can have joy in the midst of the mess.
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10, ESV).
"My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" (John 10:10, NLT).
Finally, and maybe the most important to remember, is that we can be filled with hope because we are never alone. Every situation we face is anchored by God's presence. He never leaves our side. In fact, He's holding us in the very hand that created the entire universe.
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).
Here is your strong and trustworthy hope. Here is your anchor. 

Definition of Anchor:
2. a reliable or principal support
3. something that serves to hold an object firmly 

We have Jesus who is our reliable support. We have our God who holds us firmly. We have an anchor, and He's reliable even between the hours of 5:30 and 8:30!

And now, you know I love music! I couldn't resist posting the lyrics to an old hymn that I grew up singing in my little white church: "We Have an Anchor."

1 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
when the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
steadfast and sure while the billows roll;
fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!
2 Will your anchor hold in the straits of fear,
when the breakers roar and the reef is near?
While the surges rave, and the wild winds blow,
shall the angry waves then your bark o'erflow? [Refrain]
3 Will your anchor hold in the floods of death,
when the waters cold chill your latest breath?
On the rising tide you can never fail,
while your anchor holds within the veil. [Refrain]
4 Will your eyes behold through the morning light
the city of gold and the harbour bright?
Will you anchor safe by the heavenly shore,
when life's storms are past for evermore? [Refrain]
(by Priscilla J. Owens


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