
Thursday, May 21, 2015

But...don't get tired

Can I be honest? I've been annoyed lately. The culprits? My own flesh and blood. Yes, my darling children have been pushing my buttons lately.

Does this happen to anyone else? Is it wrong to admit this?

You know what? God already knows I've been feeling this way, so I do not need to hide my true feelings from Him. So, I guess I'll share with all of you. Maybe we can be encouraged together!

My two kids have been arguing a lot recently. It seems they go in spurts. One week they get along and play wonderfully. Their imagination and creativity just makes me smile and makes my heart swell with love. Then, the next week is full of yelling, fighting, and disagreements. I get so tired of being the referee! It also seems like during these "off" weeks, the kids are more likely to yell at me. Maybe I just notice it more because my energy is already drained from the refereeing.

I'm in one of the "off" weeks right now. It is a struggle not to just go hide in my bathroom all day.

So, if God already knows my feelings, what does He want me to learn from these "off" weeks? I searched the Bible for some answers, and I found something good.

My search brought me to the book of Galatians. Paul wrote this letter to several churches that he had helped start in Galatia. The letter was meant to encourage the believers there. Why did they need encouragement? Well, there was some controversy in Galatia.

There was a disagreement between Gentile believers and Jews and everyone in between. The controversy was: do the new Gentile Christians need to obey the Jewish laws in order to be saved?

The members of the Galatian churches were stressed. Their buttons were being pushed. Their roles were being challenged. They were annoyed.

So how did Paul encourage them? In Galatians 6:9, we find the answer.
"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."
The Galatians were encouraged to keep pressing on, to keep converting people in the name of Jesus.

How can we be encouraged by this verse today?

Well, we may be annoyed. We may feel emotionally and physically exhausted.

But, we can't give up. But, we can't quit doing what is good.
Raising my kids to obey me, to get along well with others, and to love the Lord is good. It is my job. Some of you might not have kids that sometimes annoy you. But, I am willing to bet their is someone in your daily life that pushes your buttons. The same applies to you! When we keep doing good, we will get a blessing.
I just needed to hear this today and remember that God is my strength when I am weary. When I keep pressing on and trying my best to do my job well, I will receive blessings when the time is right.
God, help me to keep on going. Give me energy to do good. Help me to count the many blessings I 
have, even if they bug me sometimes. Thank you for the precious gifts of my children. Amen.

(Information about the book of Galatians taken from the Life Application Study Bible, Tyndale, 2004.)
Linking up with #livefreeThursday, and #fellowshipFridays, #GraceandTruth


  1. I am your neighbor at live free Thursday.and a fellow Compel Training. buddy. Thank you for your beautiful post.

  2. I am your neighbor at live free Thursday.and a fellow Compel Training. buddy. Thank you for your beautiful post.

  3. "But, we can't give up. But, we can't quit doing what is good." AMEN! Thank you for this encouragement today. #livefreeThursday

  4. Kids have a way of pushing buttons, don't they.Our daughter still does this. She is 30. She decided a couple years ago she only needed us when she had a problem. My husband and I exhausted ourselves trying to chase her down repeating lessons on how important family was. This winter we decided to stop chasing, we told her how much we loved her - unconditionally, and we told her we would always be here when she was ready to accept our love, but we would not be chasing her anymore. Things sure are different than when we grew up. I'd give anything to have my Mom back. Jesus said we would have these days. Blessings to you.

    1. That's right, Kim, Jesus did say that. And we have them at every age and stage. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Such a great reminder. This verse was really good to read. We need to trust Him for His word and that He never fails to deliver His promises. From one weary mom (and weary of the spats) to another: Blessings! Keep on keepin' on! I appreciate your testimony amidst the weariness. The Word of the Lord sustains the weary. Matthew 11:28-30 for you today, my friend. LOVE His great rest. Your neighbor at #FellowshipFriday….

    1. I love those verses, Bonnie! Thanks for visiting!
